According to the (United Nations Development Programme, 2023), Human development is defined as a concept centrally focused on the progression of the different dimensions of people, by expanding their freedom and promoting human rights. Over the centuries, Human Development in Papua New Guinea has seen a slight improvement, indicated by several factors, placing the country in the medium human development category, and ranked 154 out of 193 which depicts a marginal improvement to 2021 when the country was ranked 157, as stated by the (United Nations Development Programme, 2024). Countries that fall within this category indicate inadequate progress in the health and education sectors, high unemployment rates, and poor standard of living which are a few factors affecting human development in Papua New Guinea. This paper discusses directive approaches and possible concepts or theories that can be applied to deal with the issue at hand, supported by examples and evidence. Furthermore, an extensive discussion will highlight some main factors hindering human development growth in Papua New Guinea.

Inequitable delivery of services and development is considered a major factor affecting human development, as the country’s geographical landscape poses a great challenge in the distribution of resources and service delivery, especially in rural areas of Papua New Guinea. Debatably, the health and education sectors play a vital role in human development as they enhance and promote knowledge and well-being across all ages. Hence, various areas of development correlate; therefore, they have to work together simultaneously to pave the way for overall human development.

Currently, the National Department of Health is continuously confronted by the challenges of pursuing health delivery due to a range of issues from the lack of staff in health facilities to chronic vaccine shortages in urban areas and rural parts of the country. For instance, according to a Post Courier report (Gwaso, 2023), it stated that Morobe province has faced challenges with the health system with closed clinics as drug supplies come to a halt, which has seen women and children suffering. This has negatively affected the long and healthy life of human beings within that specific area, which contributes to the lack of human or social development, as a long and healthy life serves as an important dimension of human development that assists the calculating of the Human Development Index (HDI) of a nation to monitor progression, according to the (United Nations Development Program, 2023).

Moreover, as stated in the World Bank report titled “Education in Crisis”, 58% of young people aged 20 to 24 in Papua New Guinea attain only primary or lesser education, leaving only 18% to complete secondary to tertiary education. A huge portion of the nation’s population is forced to delve into other means that would help them attain relevant skills and qualifications to earn a living. At the same time, the rest often resort to unethical activities that hinder human development, and in most cases create more problems in societies.

This scenario prompts the issue of ineffective development strategies by government and non-government organizations responsible for formulating and implementing adequate planning and initiatives to achieve long-term goals to sustain service delivery and systems in place for human development. Hence, Vision 2050 provides an opportunity to foster personal development and positive engagement reflected in its mission and key pillars, maximizing opportunities for citizens to have a chance to better education, primarily elevating the literacy rate of Papua New Guineas, including the National Goals and Directive Principles of Papua New Guinea, stated that the first goal fully supports and proclaims achieving Integral human development for all citizens.

For the nation to achieve its visions and goals, particularly boosting human growth, is remarkably significant since Human Resources lay the foundation for the overall development of any nation. The application of the Modernization theory acts as a mechanism for improving sectors that contribute towards the growth of individuals, by utilizing the advancement of technology and upgrading the various infrastructure and facilities providing better services and experience for the community. The United States follows the modernization theory and has become more or less committed to capitalism, Western social structure, and welfare programs to help those who need economic support, as stated (, n.d), enhancing human development and progress,

To summarize this discussion, several factors have contributed to the lack of human development in Papua New Guinea, which has been a major setback in the progression of our country. The current directives and strategies act as a guide to help us navigate and implement effective alternatives to encourage participation in activities by applying the modernization theory, engaging local and international partnerships, involving government and non-government organizations that will assist in the expansion of human growth, and improve our global ranking in the Human Development Index.


Gwaso, I. (2023, July 20). Workshop to identify gaps in service delivery. Post Courier.

Korugl, P.  (2024, May 3). Education in crisis: World Bank Report says greater investment is key. Post Courier.

United National Development Program (March 15, 2024). Rich countries attain record human development, while half of the poorest have gone backward, finds a new UNDP report.,According%20to%20the%20report%2C%20Papua%20New%20Guinea%20currently%20ranks%20154th,the%20country%20was%20ranked%20157th.

United Nations Development Program (2023). Workshop on the Design of the National Human Development Report on Energy Vulnerabilities in the Kyrgyz Republic.